Friday 1 August 2014

Random Acts of Kindness

Over the past few weeks we have been exploring what it means to be kind. As a part of that we now have a Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) box in our class.

If we see anyone from our class doing something kind we write their name and their act of kindness and put it in the box. Every Friday, during circle time, we draw out the names from the box and share all of the kinds acts that have been happening in our classroom. We talked about what acts we would put into the box and how it is really good to be specific about what the person has done.

They will also be posted on the blog to celebrate our kindness! Here are this week's kind acts.

Logan for being so kind.

Aidan for letting me play hero factory.

Holly for listening really well.

Amelia for being a good friend.

Flynn for letting me play hero factory.

Samantha for being a good friend.

Euan for being so kind.

Connor for being helpful and caring.

Stephanie for being kind and cleaning up amazingly, wow!

Jamine for helping Jio when he was hurt and for being a good friend.

Magenta for sharing her stuff, being a good friend and being nice.

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