Friday, 25 July 2014

Welcome Back!

Kiaora! And welcome back to Term 3. 
Can you believe that we are already half way through the year?

Inquiry: "Having a voice to make a choice!"
We will learning all about choices, needs, wants, rules, laws, politics, parliament, government, political parties, leadership, elections and voting!

We are going on a syndicate trip to parliament in week 4!!!

We are writing about small moments and also some persuasive.

We are learning lots of reading strategies and since we are writing about narratives, we will also be reading lots of these texts.

For maths, we are cross grouping and our focus is fractions, percentages, proportions and ratios. 
Our strand focus is probability.

For physical education we've got jump jam still happening weeks 2 - 5. Then skipping weeks 6 onwards with athletics training starting at the end of THIS term, so we are ready for athletics at the beginning of term 4. 

We are the "Weather" group. 
So, watch this space...

And, our amazing students will be sharing all their progress with you in week 6 - STUDENT LED CONFERENCES. 

Kapahaka will be every Tuesday 12 - 1pm. The same as last term. 
Western Zone basketball is in Week 5.
Western Zone netball is in Week 6.

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